Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Erti persahabatan..

 Persahabatan datang dan pergi & some might stay for awhile and leave footprints in our hearts. Btw, I'm very selective when it comes to friendship. These are my 3 categories of friends :

 1) True friends : Ni geng2 kamceng best & lepaking together..(cinemas,movies,mamak,club -if ada event/free pass..ehe, travel n etc). Ni la kawan2 yang aku nak mereka happy & orang2 terakhir yang akan aku kecikkan ati ar. 

 2)Fate Friends: People whom become my fwen by fate, e.g. you see each others every day, (kt opis,taman,kawasan kejiranan) n etc..sit and talk. And we might not like the same things or not having the same interests, but became friends and will continue being fwen.. (normally akan lost contact la..but aku akan put effort gak utk maintain friendship bg yg dekat di hati aku)

3) Funny Friends: They can't be called friends, coz our relation is just joking and kidding with each others no more .But, I called them my friends coz I love them and want to be their friend & not just a person to joke with ar kan.

 Hmm, at the moment I'm really disappointed with my fwen. (note : 1st category - true friend). I've known him since high school...way back 1995..14 tahun ar gak. University pun dia course lain..& now he's my officemate & oso unitmate (under my direct supervision). It's really exciting to have our own best buddies kt opis aite..kan kan. However, ada pro & cons nyer la dlm hal ni. I mmg sayang kawan2..( Attention : Im straight & not GAY..n i do have a special gf). Lately ni he changed alot & not being honest anymore..tell LIES n etc..damn. Aku cukup pantang kalau best buddy menipu..if kawan yg kategori 2 & 3 (see above) aku kuwang sket impact nak hangin tuh. 

 Ni berlaku bila dia kenal one gurl ni..malaih aku nak mention nama..coz tak penting pon. Menipu dah jadik routine dah..just for the sake of dapat lepak ngan dis gurl..& kawan2 yg konon2 best buddy ni di-IGNORE totally. He's sweet talker la..which is fine..coz i know him well..& i think he possess good qualities in terms of friendship (b4), work n etc. Style aku ni..akan nengok positive dlm diri kawan2 (1st categori-see above). Ye ar kan, xde sape perfect..sumer ada flaws..n aku ni tersangat-sgt la byk flaws dlm diri..& cuba utk belajar perbaiki diri dari semasa ke semasa. Ok,back to my story..kowang evaluate la situation ni ok.. :

 Info : Aku ni jenis weekend konpem lepak..karouke la..minum2 la (cth: milo ice)..movies la..sampai tak sedor masa..kengkadang lepak dari jumaat malam..membawak ke ari ahad. 

 Last weekend :

 Routine la..sms2 minum ke n etc? Pas main badminton malam sabtu tuh..area2 permai/ampunk..aku g la NZ (port biasa) & dis guy cakap kul 1 lebey dia sampai la. Sampai2 je NZ aku sms la dia cakap aku dah ade kat NZ. Then dia reply ko ngan sape..aku pun reply la SOWANG. (saje jek) padahal aku ngan bb. Sgt aneh soklan dia..normally dia akan datang terus tp aku rasa dia lepak ngan dat gurl a.k.a virus tu kot....then tunggu punya tunggu dkt sejam..aku sms la ko ni datang tak? then dia reply, sorry zaid..mak aku call suruh balik..(masa tu kul 2pagi). Aku dah kenal dia brapa lama plak utk tahu kencing ke tak statement tu kan. Setakat ni melepak, tak pernah pun mak dia call around dat time & etc..pendek kata jarang ar gak mak dia call. Ni dari observation aku je la kan. Aku pun ngan hangin-nya reply..lain kali bitau awal2..rawk gak mak ko tido lewat malam sabtu, 1st time dlm history ni..nice one buddy. Actually aku expect dia akan sms or call no sms/call wutsoeva. CIss..kena kencing kaw2 aku. Soknya aku sms dia..ape bikin BUAYA? (saje je panggil cenggituh..ehe). Tade reply langsung. 

 Kalau kowang hangin ak? Sabor2. So skang ni approach aku professional dlm keje..n be more serious. Attitude dia skang..sgt tidak menghargai kawan2. Aku rasa just pompuan kot yang dia concern lebey..biasa la kan..lelaki lawannya pompuan & begitu la sebaliknya..norma2 kehidupan. Aku pun kengkadang camtu. Tp hati kawan2 kena la gak jaga. Frankly la, sedey bila kawan buat perasaan sedey ngan awek pun ada.. (Reminder: I'm STRAIGHT). Aku harap dia sedar la yang benda dia buat ni salah..kita ngan kawan2 kena la honest..n NO LIES!! Ni buat aku hangin gak kat gurl tuh..which bila aku pk2 balik..not her fault..kawan aku gak punya fault. Aku harap la dia dapat menyedari kesilapan dia..ya aku tahu ko ada byk prob skang yg ko kena segala prob2 di sekeliling ko ada penyelesaiannya & menyakiti kawan-kawan bukanlah perkara terbaik. Tambah lagi funny, menipu kawan2 kamceng just utk melepak ngan dat gurl..perghhhh SGT TIDAK BERBALOI..ehe. Bila pk2 lagi..berbaloi la kot..kalau tidak takkan la dia sanggup menipu kawan. Arghhhh lantak la..yg penting dia wat keje OK & KPI unit aku dapat dicapai..tu PRIORITY! (tone penuh komited) Ehe. 

 Akhir kata, hargailah kawan-kawan & erti persahabatan. THINK WISELY!!


Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm HAPPY & I LOVE my work...but im the kinda person that can be extremely stressful when people dont see things & do the way i want it to be.
Sometimes I think :
- Why does she want me to do that?
- How am i supposed to know what she's thinking?
- Is it so hard to process the payment? (ABBEY payment..ahhhh!! )
- Why am i treated this way? Why cant everyone be fair & understanding?

PK punya PK, every human being is matter he/she is ur boss or your friends
n etc..still sees the world DIFFERENTLY from you. As such, I do need the Abbey payment (research software) to be paid asap but no ONE really care to process it. (maybe derang pk tak penting bayar skang da lama..aiyak! pending sumer kije ). I've tried my best to
focus on this matter but still nothing is happening here. Why is it sooo HARD?? Sabar Zaid..this is not a problem, it's just a CHALLENGE ( I learned dis from ma' boss - DR.N..very positive person). One day, I was instructed to see one of the top management person at my office to discuss on how to go about dis payment & kesimpulannya I kena perli (Do you expect KP to deal dis payment for you?? )
woww..haha. Relax..challenge kan..remember zack? ehe. If only I can process the payment myself..i'll do it.
Well, remember korunk, your boss ke..your staff ke, your collegues ke..all see the world and situations differently from you & they're not necessarily doing or saying something just to annoy you/me! In any situation, there will always be "aku pk camni" ,"aku nampak camtu" & "camni la..".
There is absolutely no point in getting stressed over the fact that these people dont see in the way I see it. I know getting stressed is bad for me & it doesnt change any situation AT ALL.
(aku kan salu stress..haha). No matter wut happen to hard people COMMENTS/ say bad things about me..i'll stand firm & strong with my principles and the way i carry myself.
I'll never allow other people's behaviour to decide mine. I will decide my own behaviour and i'll always treat others with courtesy and respect. However, up to them to behave the way they wanna behave.
So, dont let your boss/friends/gf/ any one else "STRESS YOU OUT". Just remember ma' buddies, they just see the world in a different way. Havin said all these..aku still stress ma..
tp better than before la..hehehe.
Ok la, nak g one of the way I wanna reduce ma' stress level..hihi.
Makan2..borak2..gelak2..luper keje & work stress' . Tp for awhile je la kan, sok ada balik.
No matter wut happen guys, CHILL ok..Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin. :-)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Salam Lebaran!!

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Zack 2008..

I'm back!! I've been busy lately & I wish to update my blog more
often ya buddies. Takde la my fwen leh sound..ko ni owang ada blog
nak tak update pun..(cit! Kematz)..ehe.
Let me share with you about ma' activites for dis year..:

Work aspect : Getting better & better. I guess i've chosen the right field which is RESEARCH!
However, I still need to learn & improve MORE!.

Family aspect : Alhamdulillah! Sumer murah rezeki. My dad bz with COI & part-time lecturer,
Siblings ngan kije far so good la dis year. Less time spend with
them but we havent neglected our family motto which is
"one for all & all for one".

Relationship : Errrr..(blushing) hal. Ok la..makin kukuh. Enuff.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bye..Bye.. 2007...Welcome 2008!!

Well, this year is almost over & many '+' & '-' things happened throughout the year.
Let me start with the positive things'll be well representated in point goes :
1) 1st job after graduated from uitm as a "Pegawai Belia & Sukan" at ISN, B.Jalil.
2) Great working exposure in terms of improving my communication skill ( Dr.N@ boss from NZ) , event management (TID,KAFS n etc), PR & networking & sport..(badminton- representated MSN in NSC vs Singapore Sports Council (team-gold), FESMAS (gold-team), "Badan2 Berkanun Malaysia (semifinalist-team).
3) Get to know new kewl buddies from MSN/ISN..glad to hangout with u guys. :-).
4) Able to give $ to my parents.. + $ to anak2 buah during raya..oh yeah!
5) Freedommm! Leh lepaking anytime.. + spend my own $...oh yeahhh!

Hurmm. " - " need to talk bout it la..coz we dont live life backward..move forward & try to improve..kan kan.. :-)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ahhh..I'm really stress..byk benda PK!! Help me..i need a hug!! Ehe.


Oh i am..

Elop..welcome to my 1st post!! I'm really eager to have ma' own blog after seeing most of ma'frenz..have their own..ehe..mudah teruja haku ni. Ehe. But frankly la kan..i do think that blog is a medium for anyone to express his/her feelings,emotions & anything la kan. Hurm, really need to get things out of my system...!